Working with a Loved One- Some Lessons!

It's been a few months since I hired my husband into my blogging business.

3 months specifically

3 glorious... but long months :)

And while it has been a treat having my best friend to laugh and work alongside every day... there have been challenges.

I want to share some lessons in case you, too, want to hire a loved one and don't know what to expect.t

But first, here is a quick break from our sponsor today:



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1- You need to be clear on job scope and responsibilities early on

-You need to know what they are supposed to do

-THEY need to know what is expected of them

Do you know what causes fights?

When no one knows what anyone else is supposed to do

I wrote a job scope, responsibilities and results expected before hiring for this new role

It helped a lot!

2- Take time to train them

I'll admit this has been a failing of mine

I have been so busy I haven't had time to train them properly

I am so used to working solo and getting on with things... I haven't had the patience to make time to train

This has led to confusion and inefficiency

3- It's super fun! Let loose a bit :)

Its 2 pm, fancy a nap? Sure

Lunch break, then call it a day? OK

Wake up, run and swim, then work later? ABSOLUTELY

You didn't hire them into the business, so you both work as slaves

Enjoy it while you can ! Embrace the flexibility

4- Expect arguments and pressure

If your business is now responsible for two full-time salaries instead of one... that leads to more pressure

It does for me, anyway

I can't get things wrong because this business supports both of us!


5- Something I've learned from my husband

He makes time for his health and mental space- it's super refreshing.

He has excellent boundaries when it comes to work.

for example- He makes sure to continue with his 5km daily morning jogs, and weekly evening football sessions, even when work is hectic.

'A healthy body and mind = a healthy business', he says

whereas I would probably keep working and working until I get burned out.

It breaks down to his simple advice, ' you create this business for more freedom and happiness and to do more of the things you DO IT!'

He's so right! :)

Where to from here?

Well, we still have 9 months left for this trial of working together

In the meantime, we are off on maternity and paternity leave for 2 months to enjoy our new baby

This is a luxury the Blogging Business has afforded us!

I don't know if he will want to go back to traditional work after the 9 months

if he does, I am fully supportive

If not... well,I look forward to more afternoon work naps and morning swims with my hubby colleague :)


What else is new?

You all LOVED the top emails from last week and asked me to send more

You can read more of them below :)




Interesting articles to read this week​







Thanks for reading. Have a great week

Aisha Preece from​

PS: This week you are coming with me to Mexico!

I decided to take a 36-hour flight from Malaysia all alone to try working from somewhere new.

Then I flew both my sisters over ... because my blog earned way more than I ever imagined. Such a privilege.

It was incredible!



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Out And Beyond | Blogging & Side Hustle Tips

Hi, I'm Aisha and I love helping others achieve financial independence though blogging. I run a portfolio of 6 blogs and teach others how to grow and monetise their blogs using evergreen strategies that don't stress you out! Follow me for valuable blogging tips and digital nomad hacks.

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