Coming in hot today from the Malaysian tropics There is a heat wave on at the moment, so my brain, plants and hair are all fried O_O So, let's talk about display advertising and when you should be having them on your site You either :
Wait, what is display advertising? Well according to wikipedia : ‘Digital display advertising is online graphic advertising through banners, text, images, video, and audio. The main purpose of digital display advertising is to post company ads on third-party websites. A display ad is usually interactive, which allows brands and advertisers to engage deeper with the users.’ In more simpler terms: companies want to advertise to your readers and stick their ads on your site so they get valuable eyeballs and exposure on their products and services.
-Here are Monumetric requirements
Here are Mediavine requirements UPDATE! Now Mediavine accept bloggers with 10,000 SESSIONS, in their program : Mediavine Journey
-Here are Adthrive requirements Which is the best display advertising network? This is debatable, but its between Mediavine and Adthrive Both are premium ad networks that will work closely with you to help you earn the most money from ad revenue When should you put ads on your site? Well, ideally, hold off as long as possible, as they DO slow your site down and can negatively affect user experience . If you are getting ZERO traffic don't bother putting ads on your site , as you will earn ZERO and you will slow your site down for no good reason I like to wait till I get at least 1,000 pageviews, maybe more if I can afford it You don't earn much from 1,000 visitors anyway, less than $30 a month from my experience How much can you earn from ads? Well, that depends on your traffic and niche Zero traffic = zero ad revenue Low revenue niche= less ad revenue I earn between $3,000- $5,000 in ad revenue per month for my first site I find the travel niches do well (lots of my sites are in the travel niche), but of course that's if traffic is from the US If majority of your traffic is from outside the US, you need much much more traffic to earn $3,000= $5,000 Are you wondering why your blog isn't getting any traffic ? How long does it take for your blog to make money ? Good question. This will clear things up a bit Personal life update It's been a whirlwind of change and plans. I plan to take June off because I am reading this book : ‘Die with Zero’ by Bill Perkins, which is giving me SERIOUS THOUGHT about my life choices There is talk about visiting Goa and Hiking in the Himalayas with my sisters — this needs to be confirmed, as they also have jobs and need to take time off :( But I am also planning for my big move to Ireland I've finally booked flights for me, my partner and my cat- this is really happening ! No turning back now O_O Travel tip - Turkish airlines are extremely accommodating when it comes to travelling with pets! Highly recommend them. Sandy (my cat) has a window seat in the cabin. Anyway, that's all from me today Thanks for taking the time to read Aisha xx PS; I'd love to hear from you ! Drop me an email and let me know:
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Hi, I'm Aisha and I love helping others achieve financial independence though blogging. I run a portfolio of 6 blogs and teach others how to grow and monetise their blogs using evergreen strategies that don't stress you out! Follow me for valuable blogging tips and digital nomad hacks.
If money wasn't an issue... Do you know what I'd do? This means that if I were super rich and never had to work another day in my life.... I'd write a book You see, I've always loved writing It's a form of release for me I've never been very creative 😔 Both my creative sisters became interior designers, while I went on to do boring Law at university. Even when I draw super basic stick men, they look disproportionate and ugly. But writing is my way of drawing and painting into the world It's a...
I write this with one hand on my keyboard, my newborn in another. I am still on maternity leave, but I realized I only pre-wrote and scheduled 2 months' worth of emails. And I want (note: NEED) to take another month off. So I am writing to you, LIVE from my messy office with a baby bouncer, milk vomit cloth, and a baby that refuses to be in the baby bouncer :) #itsallglam Being a new mom has given me a fresh perspective on my blogging business But first, Here is a quick break from our sponsor...
It's been a few months since I hired my husband into my blogging business. 3 months specifically 3 glorious... but long months :) And while it has been a treat having my best friend to laugh and work alongside every day... there have been challenges. I want to share some lessons in case you, too, want to hire a loved one and don't know what to expect.t But first, here is a quick break from our sponsor today: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Sponsored by: The Start learning AI in 2025...