I write this with one hand on my keyboard, my newborn in another. I am still on maternity leave, but I realized I only pre-wrote and scheduled 2 months' worth of emails. And I want (note: NEED) to take another month off. So I am writing to you, LIVE from my messy office with a baby bouncer, milk vomit cloth, and a baby that refuses to be in the baby bouncer :) #itsallglam Being a new mom has given me a fresh perspective on my blogging business But first, Here is a quick break from our sponsor...
8 days ago • 3 min read
It's been a few months since I hired my husband into my blogging business. 3 months specifically 3 glorious... but long months :) And while it has been a treat having my best friend to laugh and work alongside every day... there have been challenges. I want to share some lessons in case you, too, want to hire a loved one and don't know what to expect.t But first, here is a quick break from our sponsor today: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Sponsored by: The Rundown.ai Start learning AI in 2025...
15 days ago • 4 min read
I recently shared how I've become a new mom. I also shared some recent challenges I didn't expect, and her name is here! It's been one heck of a ride O_O I knew there would be a lack of sleep; I mean .. LOOK at my panda eyes … However, I completely underestimated how little time I would have to work on my blogging business. I know that in the early stages of a newborn, they are way more needy and that things will improve with time. … But right now, I need to work on the 20% that will bring...
17 days ago • 2 min read
I had a quick look at some of my top performing emails Namely, the highest open rates, Click through rates and sales. You can read them below :) What has my motorbike trip got to do with you? I made an interesting discovery about a troll! How To Get 100k Pageviews To Your Site?? How I landed a sponsored trip to Singapore :) Watch out for these tricksters O_O How to Monetise Your Free Advice? This helped me find 3 new clients in 3 weeks The FIRST STEP to Earn a Freelance Income Online How I...
22 days ago • 2 min read
Time and time again, I see newbie blogger start their blogs with great enthusiasm and gusto Only to get overwhelmed and give up after 6 months They get stuck on the social media content hamster wheel and get burnt out They try to do too much and end up doing nothing This was ME, all those years ago, as a newbie blogger! I was posting in FB groups, commenting on blogs, writing guest posts, and posting on IG, all in the hope, it would drive enough traffic to my blog to generate an income. None...
29 days ago • 2 min read
A quick life update! I just had a little baby, it's been wild O_O I hesitated about sending this update as I know many of you here signed up to my email community to learn about side hustles and blogging tips... But I am a real human behind these emails and this business. LINK TO WHAT HAPPENED HERE Do you have any tips on soothing a newborn who WILL NOT sleep through the night?? O_O And any tips on breastfeeding too? I am struggling with this :( Thanks in advance for a tired new mama...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read
A quick life update! I just had a little baby, it's been wild O_O I hesitated about sending this update as I know many of you here signed up to my email community to learn about side hustles and blogging tips... But I am a real human behind these emails and this business. LINK TO WHAT HAPPENED HERE Do you have any tips on soothing a newborn who WILL NOT sleep through the night?? O_O And any tips on breastfeeding too? I am struggling with this :( Thanks in advance for a tired new mama...
about 1 month ago • 1 min read
You know what really helps me get through the tough days with minimal motivation? You know those days when you don't FEEL like doing anything Where time slows, and you want to eat ice cream and binge on Netflix instead of working on the next action that will bring you closer to your goals... The people who doubted me The manager who told everyone to slow down when speaking to me.. because I was dumb The supervisor who blocked my promotion because it took her longer to get a promotion than I...
about 1 month ago • 3 min read
In one of my previous emails, I shared how I made $60k in Sponsorship revenue in just over 6 months Considering Sponsored Content wasnt a revenue source a few years ago.. I thought I was doing ok Turns out for the website traffic and newsletter subscribers I have... I've been undercharging. How did I know this ? I discovered this Sponsorship course which gives EXACT amounts you should charge depending on the platform you are on I followed the '30 Days to your First Sponsorship Deal' plan in...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read