Someone Wrote Dodgy Stuff On My Site o_O

I am supposed to be strapping 6 bicycles to a truck and rounding the family troops to pack up for this family cycling trip

But my family are nowhere to be found -_-

Looking like I will be blowing the foghorn at 5:30am tomorrow morning for an early pack! #nomercy #getpackingtroops

Anyway, while I wait for nomadic family members to show up…

Let me tell you about my site being hacked and what you can do if this ever happens to you

A few days ago my someone alerted me to the fact that there was some REALLY dodgy stuff on one of my niche sites

I am talking really explicit

‘Love in the butt’ and ‘pie with cream’ in reverse… kind of wording O_O

(I cant use the exact wording as it will trigger spam filters O_O)

I had a heart attack and immediately checked my site

And to my horror, right at the bottom of some posts, someone had written pages and pages of offensive content

I was befuddled because all comments need to be manually approved by me

But when I checked all the published comments… I couldn't find the dodgy wording

The worst part? I couldn't remove it !

Normally people place unauthorized content on a site to embed backlinks

But this didn't have backlinks, just disgusting explicit content

And I would have never noticed unless someone told me

So why would someone bother to embed explicit content onto my site ?

1- Because they embedded it on my top performing articles

2- Those articles started dropping in rankings (and rightly so) because Google must have thought my site was highly suspicious

3- its an easy way to bring down competition without their knowledge

What alarmed me the most was this ...

If it went unnoticed, my site could have been in violation of my advertising agency terms and conditions, resulting in a loss of ad revenue

So if you are in this situation, do this :

Contact your host

They know how to handle stuff like this, some will charge, some won't

Mine responded to the customer support chat within 30 seconds.

And in 30 minutes

  • They ran 2 extensive malware scans and fixes,
  • Removed the offensive content and
  • Removed the WP Comments table entirely so no one could comment ever again

All for FREE!

I was gobsmacked, THIS is is kind of peace of mind and support I need when things go wrong

Anyway, this is the host I use

I love them. Affordable, 24/7 speedy support and affordable plans

Also if you want to prevent people from commenting on your posts, do this:

Step 1: In All Posts, click on "Screen Options" (Top right area) and change "Number of items per page" to the max number of your posts

Step 2: Check on the “Checkbox” on the header

Step 3: Choose “Edit” on the Bulk Action dropdown menu, and click “Apply”

Step 4: Choose “Do Not Allow” on Comments dropdown menu, and click “Update”

Well that's all from me today

Dad has returned in search of a strong hot cup of tea and is hinting heavily

His hint : ‘You look like you want to make me a cup of tea’ -_-

I will make one for him and tell him to get packing !

Anyway,chat to you after our cycling trip!

We are cycling along the Malaysian coast for one week,let me know if you want the route! :)

Aisha xx


My courses and E-Book:

  • SEO Blog Post Training- Learn the fundamental basics on writing perfect SEO optimized posts that Google and your readers will love!

  • Triple Your Traffic : Supercharge old content and get triple the Google traffic to existing old content within 3 months!

Out And Beyond | Blogging & Side Hustle Tips

Hi, I'm Aisha and I love helping others achieve financial independence though blogging. I run a portfolio of 6 blogs and teach others how to grow and monetise their blogs using evergreen strategies that don't stress you out! Follow me for valuable blogging tips and digital nomad hacks.

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