How social media can be evergreen….


I CONSTANTLY feel guilty about my social media strategy

For one… I don't have one

Two , its not set up to be seamless,curated and automated

One quick look at my instagram here and you will notice a few things

  • I don't frequently post on my feed
  • I don't comb my hair O_O
  • I spend most of my time on my IG stories, which engages followers (not on my feed, which grows followers)
  • There isn't one seamless consistent topic

I DO try my best to talk about blogging…

But if you follow my IG stories you also get a hot mix of relationship advice, motivational pep talks, pics of my family and cat and wisdom from the books I read

My IG truly reflects my real life

Which is a rollercoaster of emotions, travel and continuous push to help everyone stay positive and stay consistent at our goals

  • Am I wasting my time investing so much effort in social media?
  • Is there any point in posting IG stories that will disappear forever never to be seen again in 24 hours?
  • They say the average lifespan of a social media post is 48 hours, so, why waste time on social media ?

These are questions I often ask myself after I hear yet *another* podcast/ interview from a blogger who hates social media and warns everyone to stay clear and focus instead, on emails and funnels

I tended to agree and feel guilty for spending so much time on social media until ….last week

I had an epiphany and it finally clicked

I’ve realised, with social media, we are investing in the PEOPLE on social media

And happy people who trust,like and respect you …..refer and promote your content and products … for FREE again and again and again

And most importantly….
people are EVERGREEN.

Let that sink in for a moment

Engaged people don't forget about you, they ask if you are ok when you haven't posted in awhile

They ask how they can support your blogging business and refer friends to you that buy your products

Everytime you post a story, you are building up trust and likeability, with your social media audience

And while that post might disappear after 24 hours….

The valuable experiences you share and lessons you teach remain forever in the brains of your audience … this is what I mean by EVERGREEN

I share this because I know a lot of you hate social media. (But some of you don't!)

You think it involves lots of effort and you need to plan content and drain all your energy just for a post to disappear in 24 hours

But this is not how it works for me

I post with no consistent strategy or rhyme or reason

Sometimes I don't post for weeks because I want to hang out with my family and/or travel

I post stuff I like and enjoy and think will be useful for my community

If that happens to be pics of a car boot sale or my little cat …or tips on how to set boundaries with your family …so be it

Show up as you are, when you can

The bare minimum CAN be enough and CAN make you lots of money !

I say this from personal experience

And what if you hate social media ?
That's also ok!

Focus on SEO and email marketing !

Shameless plugin- Here is affordable SEO training that actually WORKS!

Equally effective

Most of my sites don't have social media and make plenty of money :) so don't worry too much if you don't want to use it

No doubt it helps, but you can still kick butt with your blog without it

Just wanted to share this incase you too sometimes feel like your strategy is a bit all over the place and goes against the grain

Do you like using social media? Id love to hear, reply and let me know!

Aisha xxx

PS:Pics of new the neighbourhood!


My courses and E-Book:

  • SEO Blog Post Training- Learn the fundamental basics on writing perfect SEO optimized posts that Google and your readers will love!

  • Triple Your Traffic : Supercharge old content and get triple the Google traffic to existing old content within 3 months!

Out And Beyond | Blogging & Side Hustle Tips

Hi, I'm Aisha and I love helping others achieve financial independence though blogging. I run a portfolio of 6 blogs and teach others how to grow and monetise their blogs using evergreen strategies that don't stress you out! Follow me for valuable blogging tips and digital nomad hacks.

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