Hi, I'm Aisha and I love helping others achieve financial independence though blogging. I run a portfolio of 6 blogs and teach others how to grow and monetise their blogs using evergreen strategies that don't stress you out! Follow me for valuable blogging tips and digital nomad hacks.
What I've made From Sponsorships in 2024
Published 7 months ago • 5 min read
Greetings from Malaysia!
We are now in August, and I did a quick tally of my blogging revenue this year.
I discovered a revenue stream that was non-existent a mere two years ago
Sponsorship revenue
Thus far, in 2024, I've made just over USD60K from sponsored revenue
(This isn't 'link insertions' into posts; it's genuine collabs, and partnerships with relevant brands. Having said that, I have decided maybe I ought to look into genuine link insertions, as I get 5 emails a day per blog offering paid link insertions, and I own 6 blogs, so I am quite literally leaving money on the table -_- But I can tackle that another day. I am tempted to stick 2 fingers up at Google's policy against paid links, I need more time to think about this and dont want to incur Google's wrath and/or a manual penalty, as its impossible to sell a site later on, with a manual penalty :) )
Anyway, $60k in brand partnership revenue kind of baffles me, considering I turned up my nose at this revenue stream
'Not worth my time,' and 'I'm not a sellout,' I said
But an additional $60k on top of affiliate, ad, and digital product revenue is nothing to be sniffed at
In fact, some of these brands I was ALREADY talking about.. for free. (Giving these huge brands FREE exposure and advertising to my audience. No wonder they kept quiet and let me continue to think I am a sell-out if I get paid -__- )
Do you know the single most important thing sponsors ask for when approaching me and negotiating a paid package?
My email lists for my blogs
They ask :
How many subscribers do you have?
What is your open rate?
What's your click-through rate?
Being able to demonstrate a higher CTR and open rate to sponsors is the difference in a few THOUSAND USD per package!
Some sponsors dont even ask or care about my blog traffic, they are more interested in my email list!
Having a blog is great, but do you know what isn't great?
Not being able to earn if your traffic goes down.
When traffic goes down, so does ad, affiliate, and digital product, as well as sponsorship revenue... UNLESS you have an email list
An email list won't go away (unless you are a useless turd in your emails that sells sells sells and provides no value all the time then you deserve all the unsubscribes- __- That a rant for another day)
Your email list continues to grow regardless of any social media platform getting their knickers in a twist.
If you are getting even ONE visitor to your blog, you should have an email opt-in set up to collect emails from day 1
The good news is, you can learn how to build your email from Day 1from this guy.
He built 45k subscribers in 11 months, then replaced the 9-5 income from both his *and* his wife's jobs with it.
His training is usually closed throughout the year but will re-open from Monday, August 12th—Friday, August 16th.
You will learn :
Stupid Simple List-Building: How to use paid and organic strategies to grow your email list, and then monetize that list. There will be some light FB Ads training around lead magnets. His email list is growing at nearly 1,000 leads per day with this strategy.
Stupid Simple SEO: Updated, and trimmed down, to reflect all the craziness going on right now.
Stupid Simple Pinning: Strategies he's used to grow his Pinterest account to 500K clicks per month.
Stupid Simple AI: How to use AI tools to improve your systems & processes as a blogger, when it comes to researching, planning, and creating content, including AI images. (Note: this is not about using an AI writing tool to just publish junk AI content).
Stupid Simple Facebook: How to use Facebook pages to drive traffic back to your blog.
Community Access: A private Facebook group with all students to ask questions and bounce ideas off of.
PSA Former Students
Former Stupid Simple SEO and Niche Site Academy students will have the option to bypass the program enrollment fee, and JUST pay a lower fee to get access to EVERYTHING, if you want. Just email him for a custom coupon code.
PS: I recently hired my husband as my new Sponsorship Manager! I figured, if I can make USD60k with zero focus and minimal attention on this revenue stream, imagine what we could make if I got some help ? O_O
Its a gamble, but I saved his salary for one year, and its a huge privilege to be able to BOTH work remotely and have flexibility together!
If it doesn't work out, in 12 months, he can always go back to his old job :)
But I need tips on working with your spouse, please!
Is there anything I should watch out for? Is there anything we should do that will help? Reply and let me know. I am all ears.
PPS; Here is my husband and new Sponsorship Manager, he starts in September! :) (pics at the end)
His name is Ger, and he's an introvert, and avoids social media as much as possible. The opposite of me, hah!
Pps; Just in case you think blogging is all glamour and money, in my next email, I am going to share my HUGE blogging failures. In fact, I'll share what I am failing terribly at right now too :)
This is Ger, Gaelic football fanatic! ps; It was his first time tasting oysters and he said they were disgusting!
we met during gaelic football training in Barcelona. He was the Coach
we visited Morocco together for our first trip
quadbiking in morocco
not quite sure whats happening here ....
climbed up a mountain in Bali
He is Sandy's favourite person !
we went motorbiking through Vietnam together for a month ! so much fun
Ive seen many many many matches. the price of love eh !
hiking up a mountain in korea, were we got engaged
we love hiking in ireland
James bond island
in Barcelona at the top of a hill!
I just like the look of this rainbow cake so I thought I would share it! :)
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Hi, I'm Aisha and I love helping others achieve financial independence though blogging. I run a portfolio of 6 blogs and teach others how to grow and monetise their blogs using evergreen strategies that don't stress you out! Follow me for valuable blogging tips and digital nomad hacks.
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