Biggest Reason Your Blog Isn't Growing πŸ₯Ί

In 2022, I was interviewed by this popular podcast on how I grew my first blog from 7k visitors to over 100k visitors in less than six months- after failing for a good solid two years to grow my blog.

There were a few key things I did to get traction on my blog:

The things I changed:

1- Updated old content

2- Wrote new content that people were actually searching for ie, low competition, high search volume topics

3- Deleted thin crap content

4- Changed my theme

5- Changed my hosts

Out of all these changes, I believe the single biggest change that moved the needle was...

Changing hosts


Because it was a blog structural issue

Let's imagine your blog is a rental property you are looking to rent out and earn from

You could:

  • Paint the entire house so it looks fresh and pristine
  • Furnish the house with beautiful interior design
  • Landscape the garden
  • Pay for advertising to convince potential renters to view the house ...

But if the house has structural defects, such as cracked walls and sinking floors, no renter in their right mind will pay you to rent it.

It's the same with your blog

If you spend all your time enticing readers to read your blog, but once they arrive, it takes 20 seconds to load, they will bounce off and never return!

I chose them because, compared to other hosts offering the same service, they are:

  • Affordable
  • Offer FREE speed optimizations for your site
  • Fix small tech issues
  • I get customer support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, within 30 seconds on their dedicated chat.

What if you can't afford a better host?

Then you can try to improve your site speed yourself

I have some bonus modules in Triple Your Traffic, that teach you how to optimise and increase the speed of your site yourself

It's 50% off till Sunday, using coupon code: TYT50

Count down to 2024-09-23T03:45:00.000Z​


Interesting articles to read this week





Thanks for reading. Have a great week

Aisha Preece from​

PS: Some pics from this week!








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Out And Beyond | Blogging & Side Hustle Tips

Hi, I'm Aisha and I love helping others achieve financial independence though blogging. I run a portfolio of 6 blogs and teach others how to grow and monetise their blogs using evergreen strategies that don't stress you out! Follow me for valuable blogging tips and digital nomad hacks.

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