A Message to Overworked Busy Bees

Many of you send me REALLY good questions, sometimes via email and often on Instagram.

I generally reply with voice notes and emails, but I wanted others in this community to learn from your excellent questions!

I will start with a more recent question and continue this, if you all find it useful.

1- Please reply here to let me know if you find value in this

2- You can also reply and send your questions, I will keep them anonymous and answer them as best as I can, like this :)


Your Questions & Answers

  • I don't have enough time :(

Hi There!

I am replying to answer your question: What is your BIGGEST struggle with building an email community?

But first, I wanted to say that, like your other readers, I also open most of your emails because they come across as personal, like you're talking directly to me or we already know each other. You have one of the best newsletters out of all the "blog helpers" I follow.

I have unsubscribed to a few people I like because their newsletters are so spammy and salesy too often.

I appreciate your personal stories, the stats you share, the subtle way you boost your reader's confidence, and your cat.

I'm so glad I came across your feed on Instagram a few years back:)

My biggest struggle is that I can't get myself to start the ball rolling. I signed up for Convertkit (well, Kit, now) in June but never did anything with it.

I work full-time in a restaurant, so the time I spend on my blog is limited. I fear starting it up and finding that it takes too much time to keep up.

So then I think, well, I can gather the email addresses now and worry about the newsletter later, but I am at a loss for an enticing freebie that will be reasonably easy to create for my niche.

And I'm not sure if that is a good plan anyway.

I took
this Pinterest course back in June, and I am seeing the results now.

My traffic has jumped from 500 visitors/month to 1600 in the last five weeks.

This makes me think I should take advantage of the new volume, but is there a way I can do that with the time I have available?

I look forward to hearing from you if you have any suggestions for me.

My Answer

Dear Busy Bee,

First of all ,kudos to you for TRYING your hardest to grow your blog, despite your incredibly busy and physically demanding schedule!

Now, one of the biggest reasons new bloggers give up, is because they get overwhelmed and see no results from all their efforts.

Before I give my thoughts on what I would do, I want to bring you back to this crucial formula to make money blogging :

Traffic x Monetisation = Blogging income

It looks like you have implemented one part of the formula.

Now, we need you to implement the full formula.. but not immediately.

Due to your hectic schedule, its important you only focus on ONE thing at a time, and do it well.

Then, layer strategies later.

I cannot stress the importance of NOT doing everything at once, do one step below, one at a time.

The steps I would take :

1- I would go to your Top 3 articles getting traffic, and add an affiliate opportunity

Dont know how to do that? This will teach you how

2- Then, I would brainstorm 12 email ideas for 12 months.

Use chatgpt , use google, use youtube, whatever, get into the creative flow and focus.

Come up with 12 email topics, 1 for each month

If you want 52 email topic ideas, I give it here for free as a bonus of this training :)

12 email ideas scribbled down? Ok more on to step 3

3- Since you are struggling to come up with good email freebie ideas, you could

  • See what other bloggers in your niche are offering as a freebie
  • Use Chatgpt and ask what he thinks
  • Just stick a pop-up form for now to capture the emails

Capture those emails while you have traffic, we can monetise them later

If you take this training by Sunday, I will give you 5 really good opt in freebie ideas for your niche !

4- I would continue focusing on Pinterest and aim to get to 10,000 visitors a month

Once you get to 10k traffic a month , apply to Mediavine Journey

Lets monetise that traffic asap!

5- Once you have monetised your site with ads, its time to switch back to your email strategy

Email me once you get to Step 5 and I will give you further steps and how to monetise further :)

Hope that helps

Keep plugging on, you are doing better than most!

Aisha xx

Interesting articles to read this week

Thanks for reading. Have a great week

Aisha Preece from Outandbeyond.com

PS: Today was a really good day! I opened up my once a year coaching spots and recevied really great feedback!

House renovation is going well, and my cat has a new boyfriend, Dusty. Love is in the air folks!

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Out And Beyond | Blogging & Side Hustle Tips

Hi, I'm Aisha and I love helping others achieve financial independence though blogging. I run a portfolio of 6 blogs and teach others how to grow and monetise their blogs using evergreen strategies that don't stress you out! Follow me for valuable blogging tips and digital nomad hacks.

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