7 Tips to Increase Your Email Open Rate!

Today, I want to talk about email marketing and how it can make you A LOT of money.

Side note - Here are 9 proven methods to monetize an email list!

Having an email community can also prevent heart attacks every time you hear of a platform algorithm change because you are in FULL control of your email subscribers and traffic πŸ’ͺ

But first, I want you to learn from my mistakes.

*Story Time*

You see, back when I was a newbie blogger, I didn't see the value of having an email list.

I knew every expert blogger, and their cat recommended building one.

So I stuck a generic opt-in form on my blog and *tried* to do what everyone else was doing….

  • I sent salesly emails.
  • I sent boastful emails trying to show I was an β€˜expert’ in my niche.
  • I covered topics everyone else was talking about

The result?

Over 5,000 email subscribers, but none of them cared.

  • Low open and click-through rates
  • Bored rude readers
  • And many unsubscribes


Someone even told me to jump off a cliff …..


So, utterly fed up and frustrated, I deleted over 5,000 subscribers and decided email marketing wasn't for me πŸ˜”
Fast forward a few years, and I’ve rebuilt my email community to way more than 5,000 subscribers, but now, I get different feedback from my emails :


Now my subscribers care about me, and vice versa

They buy the products I recommend and trust the brands I work with

They also ask for my affiliate links to help me earn a commission!

By the way, THIS is how you can maximize affiliate earnings in your emails! ​

My email subscribers are a bright, engaged bunch (that's YOU, by the way!), and they reply with valuable questions and feedback.

I also get a lot of traffic to my blogs from my emails, which increases my blog ad, affiliate, and product revenue.

Clearly, past failures should not hold you back from future success.

I am going to share a few things I did that helped me grow my email subscribers and improve my engagement and open rates so you, too, can build your own email community :

1- I created a useful Opt-In-freebie instead of having just a generic Opt-In form

This enticed readers to hand over their precious emails in return for something useful

Here are some of my opt-in freebies for my first blog:



Don’t know what freebie to create for your niche ?

Ask Chat Gpt!


2- I Included A VIDEO In My Intro Welcome email

We have one chance to make a good first impression and make it count!

Video is way more personal, and it builds up trust

You can create a video on Youtube or Loom



3- I Stopped Hard Selling In Every Single Email!​

If you take out the product /sale, is there a genuine tip /resource in your email without the thing they need to pay for?

No? Then it's a sales email.

4- I included Pictures In My Emails

In a world filled with mass-generated AI, I want my readers to see that I am a REAL, authentic human. We are visual creatures.

5- I Decided To Incorporate More Life Tips

I shared things outside my niche, such as tips on navigating burnout and navigating complicated life situations.

Real humans facing human problems are reading your emails; keep it real


6- I Shared More Proof Of The Things I Talked About

I started following the rule: SHOW, don’t just tell

For Example, I shared a picture of the 5000 subscribers I deleted above and also the honest feedback I got from my emails

You see, anyone can claim anything. To build up trust, you need to back it up with PROOF.


7- I Shared The Good AND The Bad

Real life is not all sunshine and rainbows, but many bloggers are afraid to say: β€˜I failed at this, I suck at this.’

I shared when I hit 200k blog visitors a month, but I also shared when one of my blogs got hit by Google :(

I shared when I hit $10k a month in blogging revenue, but I also shared my struggle with anxiety and burnout πŸ™

Ultimately, I want you to know that with effort, trial, and error, you CAN get it right over time, even if you've totally bombed before!

Now, I want to ask you:

What is your BIGGEST struggle with building an email community?

Reply and let me know. I'll try to help!

That's all from me today; thanks for reading!

Aisha Preece from Outandbeyond.com ​

PS; Some pics from this week! We are enjoying the beach house and eating lots of great Malaysian food!


My Courses:

Some of the links in the email are affiliate links. You received this email because you signed up for my newsletter, for a freebie, or purchased one of my products or courses.

To unsubscribe from all emails, including updates about courses & products you may have purchased, click here:​

​​ ​Unsubscribe Update your profile | 113 Cherry St #92768,, SEATTLE, WA 98104-220

Out And Beyond | Blogging & Side Hustle Tips

Hi, I'm Aisha and I love helping others achieve financial independence though blogging. I run a portfolio of 6 blogs and teach others how to grow and monetise their blogs using evergreen strategies that don't stress you out! Follow me for valuable blogging tips and digital nomad hacks.

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